Installation of Collector version 1.5.0 July 2017 Before you start ---------------- You need to have installed in your system - Java Development Kit 8 (Oracle JDK7) If you don't have this software installed you can download the latest version from here: The easiest way to install is to download the tgz file and extract it to a suitable place (for example /opt). Alternatively, you can download a version of Collector with a bundled 64bit JDK distribution - PostgreSQL 8.4 or higher If you don't have this version installed you can download it from here: The easiest way is to use the graphical installer. It installs postgresql, configures it to start with the system and creates a postgres user. We will assume that you have PostgresSQL installed at "/opt/PostgreSQL/9.2", and a user "postgres" with a password "postgres". If you have changed any of these settings please introduce the correct settings in the step 2 below. Installation procedure ---------------------- 1. Extract the contents of collector_bin.tgz to a suitable place. For example /opt/collector 2. Define the correct settings in the file environment. In particular: COLLECTOR_HOME=/opt/collector # the location of collector JAVA_HOME=$COLLECTOR_HOME/jdk # the location of JDK. We assume we will use the bundled JDK. If not modify accordingly. JDK_KEYSTORE_PWD=changeit # JDK default keystore value PGPASSWORD=postgres # the password of the user postgresexport PG_HOME=/opt/PostgreSQL/9.2 # Location of Postgres installation 4. Execute the install script ./install That's all! If the installation completed successfully you can test it executing directly collector ./collector You must see the following text appear in the screen: Collector v1.4.6 Usage: collector [newjobuniprotid|executejob|listfilters|listprotocols|listjobs|listjobexecutions|export|deletejob|deletejobexecution|deletejobexecutionsforjobid] [options] Command: newjobuniprotid [options] newjobuniprotid is a command. --protocolid protocolid is Int property. --uniprotid uniprotid is string property. --jobdescription jobdescription is String property. Command: executejob [options] executejob is a command. --jobdescription jobdescription is a string property. Command: listfilters listfilters is a command. Command: listprotocols listprotocols is a command. Command: listjobs listjobs is a command. Command: listjobexecutions [options] listjobexecutions is a command. --jobid jobid is a integer property Command: export [options] export data to file --raw raw is a flag --jobexecutionid jobexecutionid is a integer property --datatoexport datatoexport must be "activities" or "compounds" --exportformat exportformat must be "sdf" or "csv" --filename filename is a string Command: deletejob [options] deletejob is a command. --jobid jobid is a integer property. Command: deletejobexecution [options] deletejobexecution is a command. --jobexecutionid jobexecutionid is a integer property. Command: deletejobexecutionsforjobid [options] deletejobexecutionsforjobid is a command. --jobid jobid is a integer property. If you have any problem with the installation, contact us at the following e-mail addresses: Manuel Pastor Oriol L. Masasaguer